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Click the photographs to see individual profiles

Management Members

Becky P.Y. Loo

Becky P.Y. Loo

Founding Co-Director
Department of Geography
The University of Hong Kong

S.C. Wong

S.C. Wong

Chair Professor
Department of Civil Engineering
The University of Hong Kong

Keumseok (Peter) Koh

Keumseok (Peter) Koh

Assistant Professor
Department of Geography
The University of Hong Kong

Chan Chun Hong, Felix

Chan Chun Hong, Felix

Chief Operating Officer
Ophylla Venutres

Hayden So

Hayden So

Founding Co-Director
Associate Professor
Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering
The University of Hong Kong

Thomas S.T. Ng

Thomas S.T. Ng

Chair Professor and Head
Department of Architecture and Civil Engineering
City University of Hong Kong

Rosana Wong

Rosana Wong

Founder & President
Prosit Philosophiae Foundation and Ophylla Ventures

International Advisory Board

Kay W. Axhausen

Kay W. Axhausen

Professor of Transport Planning

Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering

ETH Zurich

John Wawrzynek

John Wawrzynek

Professor of Electrical Engineering and Computer Sciences at the University of California, Berkeley

Michael Batty

Michael Batty

Bartlett Professor of Planning, Chairman, Centre for Advanced Spatial Analysis, The Bartlett

University College London

Vladimir Bazjanac

Vladimir Bazjanac

Adjunct Professor
Center for Integrated Facility Engineering
Department of Civil and Environmental Engineering
Stanford University

Susan Handy

Susan Handy

Professor in Department of Environmental Science and Policy

Director of the National Center for Sustainable Transportation

University of California, Davis.

David Banister

David Banister

Professor Emeritus of Transport Studies and Senior Research Fellow

St Anne's College

School of Geography and the Environment

University of Oxford

Fariborz Haghighat

Fariborz Haghighat

Professor in Department of Building, Civil and Environmental Engineering,
Research Chair – Energy and Environment,
Concordia University, Montreal, Canada

Young-sung Lee

Young-sung Lee

Professor in Department of Environmental Planning, Graduate School of Environmental Studies, Seoul National University

HKU Fellows

  1. This member category is for an HKU full-time professoriate staff or a research postgraduate student who is not a founding member/ management committee member and shares the mission of JLFC.

  2. Fellows shall initially serve a five-year term of office and can be reappointed.

  3. Fellows shall actively collaborate for research, education, and community engagement with the JLFC community.

  4. Fellows shall actively participate in major events held by JLFC.

  5. Fellows shall not be compensated for their service to JLFC. However, the actual costs of service may be reimbursed.  

Alain Chiaradia

Associate Professor,
Department of Urban Planning and Design

Ka Ho Tsoi

Post-doctoral Fellow,

Department of Geography

Zhuangyuan Fan

PhD candidate,
Department of Geography

Hui Wang

PhD candidate,
Department of Geography

Yiqing Liang

PhD student,
Department of Geography

Steven HS Zhang

Associate Professor,

Department of Geography

Ting Lian

PhD candidate,
Department of Geography

Zhixuan Li

PhD candidate,
Department of Geography

​Xiangyi Li

PhD student,

Department of Geography

Sheng Bao

Post-doctoral Fellow,

Department of Geography


  1. This member category is for a local or overseas distinguished individual who shares the mission of JLFC and is a non-HKU full-time professoriate staff.

  2. Affiliates shall initially serve a five-year term of office and can be reappointed.

  3. Affiliates shall actively collaborate for research, education, and community engagement with the JLFC community.

  4. Affiliates shall actively participate in major events held by JLFC.

  5. Affiliates shall not be compensated for their service to JLFC. However, the actual costs of service may be reimbursed. 

Elvis Au

Adjunct Professor at the University of Hong and Former Deputy Director of Environmental Protection Department of Hong Kong SAR Government

Peng Jia

Professor, School of Resource and Environmental Sciences, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China
Adjunct Professor, School of Public Health; Renmin Hospital, Wuhan University, Wuhan, China
Director, International Institute of Spatial Lifecourse Health (ISLE), Wuhan University, Wuhan, China

Ling Kar-kan, SBS

FHKIP, RPP, MHKIUD, PRC Registered Urban Planner Qualification

Po Chi Wu

SkyDeck - the incubator/accelerator program at the University of California at Berkeley

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