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 The HK-Swiss Symposium on Future Cities 

Jointly organized by

ETH Zurich


Institute of Transport Studies,
The University of Hong Kong

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Joint Lab on Future Cities,
The University of Hong Kong

Symposium Co-chairs


Becky P.Y. Loo

Director, Institute of Transport Studies, HKU

Co-Director, Joint Lab on Future Cities, HKU

Professor, Department of Geography, HKU

Becky P.Y. Loo is Professor of Department of Geography. She is also Director of the Institute of Transport Studies. Becky has previously taken up Associate Deanship of the Faculty of Social Sciences and Associate Deanship of the Graduate School. Her core research interests are transportation, smart technologies and cities.


Kay W. Axhausen

Professor of Transport Planning, Department of Civil, Environmental and Geomatic Engineering, ETH Zurich

Dr. K.W.  Axhausen is Professor of Transport Planning at the  Eidgenössische Technische Hochschule (ETH) Zürich. Before he worked at  the Leopold-Franzens Universität, Innsbruck, Imperial College London and  the University of Oxford. He has been  involved in the measurement and modelling of travel behaviour for the  past 35 years contributing especially to the literature on stated  preferences, micro-simulation of travel behaviour, accessibility,  valuation of travel time and its components, parking behaviour,  activity scheduling and travel diary data collection. Current work  focuses on the agent-based micro-simulation toolkit MATSim (see

Session Chairs


Tony Leung

Chief Operating Officer, Ophylla Ventures Management Company Limited

Mr. Leung had been engaged in Smart City Development, Construction IT, Engineering and Automation, Education and Medical works over 20 years.
His experience covers innovation, strategic planning, business development, global partner engagements on innovation products such as VR/AR, machine learning, AI and Smart City enablement for Hong Kong, Macau, China, Singapore and Malaysia markets.


Hayden So

Co-Director, Joint Lab on Future Cities, HKU

Associate Professor, Department of Electrical & Electronic Engineering, HKU


Hayden So is an associate professor of electrical and electronic engineering.  His core research is on high performance reconfigurable computing systems and is also curious to learn more about technologies and their relation with people.  He is the recipient of the Croucher Innovation Award, in 2013, the University Outstanding Teaching Award (Team), in 2012, and the Faculty Best Teacher Award, in 2011.


W Y Szeto

Deputy Director, Institute of Transport Studies, HKU

Professor and Associate Head, Department of Civil Engineering, HKU


Dr. Wai Yuen Szeto is a Top 1 % Scholar 2015-2020 and focuses on sustainable and smart transportation. He is appointed to serve the editorial board of over 10 reputable journals, including International Journal of Sustainable Transportation, Journal of Intelligent Transportation Systems, Transportation Research Part C, Transportation Research Part D, Transportation Research Part E, and Transportmetrica B. 

Symposium Secretary


Dr. Ka Ho Tsoi

The University of Hong Kong

Ka Ho Tsoi is a Research Assistant in the Department of Geography at the University of Hong Kong. His core research interests include sustainable mobility and travel behaviour, accessibility and land-use planning and space-time analysis. He is the champion of the ESRI Young Scholars Award (Hong Kong) in 2020.

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